Grow your Instagram account with 2k+ real, organic IG followersGet started
By Published On: May 6, 2023

As an SEO copywriter, I understand the importance of creating engaging content that resonates with readers. One topic that often comes up in the world of social media is whether or not it’s appropriate to like your own Instagram posts. Some people believe that doing so is a sign of narcissism, while others argue that it’s a harmless way to boost engagement. In this article, we’ll explore both sides of the debate and help you decide whether or not you should like your own Instagram posts.

First, let’s talk about why people might like their own posts in the first place. For some, it’s simply a way to show support for their own content. They might feel proud of the photo they just posted or excited about the caption they wrote, and liking their own post is a way to express that enthusiasm. Others might like their own posts as a way to get the ball rolling on engagement. By giving their post a quick like, they can potentially encourage others to do the same.

On the other hand, there are those who believe that liking your own posts is a sign of self-absorption. They argue that it’s unnecessary to like your own post because the whole point of social media is to share content with others, not just yourself. It can also come across as desperate or insecure, as if you’re trying to compensate for a lack of engagement from others.

So, who’s right? Should you like your own Instagram posts or not? The truth is, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. It really depends on your personal preferences and the type of content you’re posting.

For some people, liking their own posts might make them feel good and help them stay motivated to continue creating content. If that’s the case for you, then go ahead and give yourself a like. It’s not hurting anyone, and it might even help you build momentum on your post.

That being said, if you’re worried about how it looks to others, you might want to reconsider. If you’re constantly liking your own posts and not getting much engagement from others, it could send the message that you’re more interested in promoting yourself than connecting with your audience. In some cases, it could even turn people off from following you altogether.

Ultimately, the decision to like your own Instagram posts comes down to personal preference. If it makes you feel good and helps you stay motivated, then go for it. Just be mindful of how it might be perceived by others and don’t overdo it. At the end of the day, social media is all about connecting with others and sharing your life with the world. Liking your own posts might be a small part of that, but it’s not the most important thing.