A popular audio platform, SoundCloud allows you to share your music, music videos and other audio recordings with others. In addition to being a great platform for independent artists and record labels, SoundCloud also provides a blue check badge, a verified badge that lets people know an account represents an artist, label or brand in an authentic way. Getting a blue check on SoundCloud isn’t easy. Here are some tips for getting a SoundCloud blue check, as it takes a lot of hard work and dedication to reach the level of recognition where you can be verified. Build a Professional Profile Building a professional profile on SoundCloud is essential to getting a blue check. This means having a well-written bio and a professional profile photo. Ideally, your profile photo should be a headshot-style image of you up close You should keep your bio short and to the point.
It should be clear and in focus and free of any additional text or graphics. It should also include information about who you are and what you do. Links to your website, social media accounts, and other places where people can find you online should also be included. Getting a blue check on SoundCloud requires having an engaged audience. This means that your content is interacting with an active audience. The engagement of your audience shows SoundCloud that you are serious about your content and that people are interested in what you have to offer through likes, comments, shares, and reposts. Getting a blue check on SoundCloud requires creating quality content to show you are active and dedicated to your craft.
This means creating quality audio recordings and engaging visuals. You should ensure that your audio recordings are well-produced and sound professional as well as having high-quality visuals. This includes artwork, music videos, and other visuals. Your content will look more professional with visuals. You need to connect with SoundCloud in order to receive a blue check from the SoundCloud team. You could reach out through social media or send an email to them. When contacting people, it is important to be professional, polite, and provide as much information as possible.
Make sure you provide links to your profile, social media accounts, and website. Additionally, you should include links to your best work and any press or features that you have received. The SoundCloud team will gain a better understanding of who you are and what you do by doing this. The most important tip for getting a blue check on SoundCloud is being patient. Blue checks don’t happen overnight, so they take time and effort. You must put in hard work, dedication, and consistency in order to get one. The SoundCloud team is very selective when it comes to awarding them.
They want to make sure that the accounts they verify are authentic and represent the artist, label, or brand they are representing. Getting a blue check on SoundCloud is not easy and requires a great deal of dedication and hard work.