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By Published On: May 15, 2023

Have you ever wondered how many followers do you need to get verified on Twitter? The verification badge on Twitter is a prestigious symbol of authenticity that signifies that the account is genuine and belongs to a public figure, celebrity, or brand. The blue checkmark next to the account’s name is a sign that the account has been verified by Twitter, and it helps to establish trust with the audience. In this article, we will explore how the verification process works on Twitter and how many followers you need to get verified.

What is Twitter Verification?

Twitter verification is a process that helps to establish authenticity and credibility of an account. The verification badge is a blue checkmark that appears next to the account’s name on the profile page and in search results. The verification badge is a way for Twitter to confirm that the account is legitimate and belongs to a public figure, celebrity, or brand.

Twitter verification is not a guarantee of quality or popularity. It is merely a symbol of authenticity that helps to establish trust with the audience. It is also worth noting that Twitter verification is not available for all accounts. Twitter has strict criteria for verification, and not all accounts are eligible.

How Does Twitter Verification Work?

Twitter verification is a manual process carried out by Twitter’s verification team. The team evaluates each account based on a set of criteria to determine if the account is eligible for verification. The criteria include:

1. Authenticity: The account must be associated with a real person, a registered business, or a brand.

2. Completeness: The account must have a complete profile, including a profile picture, bio, and header image.

3. Active: The account must be active and in good standing. It should not have any violations of Twitter’s rules and policies.

4. Influence: The account must have a significant following and influence in its field of interest.

5. Public Interest: The account must be of public interest and have a significant impact on the community.

If an account meets these criteria, it may be eligible for verification. Twitter will contact the account owner and request additional information to verify the account’s authenticity. The verification process may take several weeks to complete, and there is no guarantee that the account will be verified.

How Many Followers Do You Need to Get Verified on Twitter?

The number of followers you need to get verified on Twitter is not a fixed number. Twitter does not have a specific threshold for the number of followers required for verification. It is possible to get verified with a few thousand followers or even fewer, but it depends on the account’s authenticity, influence, and public interest.

In general, accounts with a significant following and influence are more likely to get verified. However, it is not just about the number of followers. The quality of the followers also matters. If an account has a large number of fake or inactive followers, it may not be eligible for verification.

The best way to increase your chances of getting verified on Twitter is to focus on building an authentic and engaged following. Here are some tips to help you build your following on Twitter:

1. Be Consistent: Tweet regularly and consistently to keep your followers engaged. Use a content calendar to plan your tweets in advance.

2. Use Hashtags: Use relevant hashtags to reach a wider audience and increase your visibility.

3. Engage with Your Followers: Respond to comments and messages from your followers to build relationships and increase engagement.

4. Collaborate with Others: Collaborate with other Twitter users in your field of interest to reach new audiences and increase your influence.

5. Promote Your Account: Promote your Twitter account on your website, email signature, and other social media platforms to increase your visibility.


In conclusion, the number of followers you need to get verified on Twitter is not a fixed number. Twitter verification is a manual process that evaluates the authenticity, completeness, activity, influence, and public interest of an account. While a significant following and influence can increase your chances of getting verified, it is not just about the number of followers. Building an engaged and authentic following is the key to getting verified on Twitter.