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By Published On: May 12, 2023

Taylor Swift is one of the most successful musicians of the 21st century. She has sold millions of records and has won numerous awards for her work. However, in recent years, she has been vocal about her displeasure with the streaming service, Spotify. Swift has even gone so far as to remove her entire catalog from the platform. This has led many to wonder how much Taylor Swift actually makes from Spotify.

The short answer is that it’s difficult to say exactly how much Swift makes from Spotify. The streaming service pays artists based on a complex formula that takes into account a variety of factors, such as the number of streams and the total revenue generated by the platform. However, it’s estimated that Swift makes around $0.004 per stream on Spotify. This means that for every 1,000 streams of her music, she earns approximately $4.

While this might not seem like a lot of money, it’s important to remember that streaming is just one revenue stream for Swift. She also makes money from sales of physical and digital albums, as well as merchandise sales and touring. In fact, Swift’s Reputation Stadium Tour in 2018 was the highest-grossing tour in U.S. history, earning over $266 million.

It’s also worth noting that Swift’s decision to remove her catalog from Spotify was not solely based on financial considerations. In a 2014 op-ed for the Wall Street Journal, Swift wrote that she felt streaming services undervalued the work of musicians and that “music should not be free.” She also argued that the rise of streaming services had contributed to a decline in album sales, which had traditionally been a major source of revenue for musicians.

Swift’s decision to remove her music from Spotify was seen by many as a bold move, as the streaming service has millions of users around the world. However, it’s important to remember that Swift was already an established artist with a large fan base when she made this decision. For up-and-coming artists, streaming services can be a valuable tool for gaining exposure and building a following.

Despite her criticisms of Spotify, Swift has not completely turned her back on streaming. In 2017, she released her album Reputation on all streaming services, including Spotify. The move was seen as a sign that Swift was starting to warm up to the idea of streaming, although she still remains critical of the industry as a whole.

In conclusion, it’s difficult to say exactly how much Taylor Swift makes from Spotify, as the platform pays artists based on a complex formula. However, it’s estimated that she earns around $0.004 per stream. While this might not seem like a lot of money, it’s important to remember that streaming is just one revenue stream for Swift, who also makes money from album sales, merchandise, and touring. Swift’s decision to remove her music from Spotify was not solely based on financial considerations, but rather on her belief that streaming services undervalue the work of musicians. Despite her criticisms, Swift has not completely turned her back on streaming and has even released her music on the platform in recent years.