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By Published On: May 9, 2023

Twitter is one of the most popular social media platforms, with over 330 million monthly active users. The platform has become a hub of social interaction, news sharing, and promotion. However, have you ever wondered which ethnicity uses Twitter the most?

According to a study published by Pew Research Center, Black Americans are the most active users of Twitter. The study found that 26% of Black Americans use Twitter, compared to 21% of White Americans, 20% of Hispanic Americans, and 19% of Asian Americans.

Why do Black Americans use Twitter the most?

There are several reasons why Black Americans use Twitter the most. Firstly, Twitter has become a platform for social and political activism. Black Americans have used Twitter to voice their concerns about racial injustice, police brutality, and other social issues. The hashtag #BlackLivesMatter, which originated on Twitter, has become a global movement advocating for racial equality and justice.

Secondly, Twitter has become a platform for entertainment and cultural expression. Black Americans have used Twitter to celebrate their culture, share memes, and discuss trending topics. Twitter has become a hub for Black Twitter, a community of Black Americans who share a unique cultural experience.

Thirdly, Twitter has become a platform for news sharing and information dissemination. Black Americans have used Twitter to share news stories, opinions, and perspectives. Twitter has become a source of news and information for Black Americans who feel that traditional media outlets do not represent their interests.

The impact of Black Twitter

Black Twitter has had a significant impact on social media and popular culture. The community has been responsible for creating viral memes, starting social movements, and shaping public opinion. Black Twitter has become a cultural force that has influenced music, fashion, and entertainment.

For example, the hashtag #OscarsSoWhite, which originated on Twitter, led to a public debate about the lack of diversity in Hollywood. The movement sparked a conversation about the representation of people of color in the entertainment industry, and it led to changes in the Oscars nomination process.

Black Twitter has also been responsible for creating viral memes that have become a part of popular culture. Memes such as “How You Doin?” and “On Fleek” have become a part of everyday language, and they have been used in advertising campaigns and television shows.

How businesses can tap into Black Twitter

Businesses can tap into Black Twitter by understanding the community and engaging with its members. Black Twitter is a unique community with its own cultural norms, language, and values. Businesses that want to engage with Black Twitter must take the time to understand the community and its needs.

One way that businesses can engage with Black Twitter is by partnering with influencers. Influencers are members of the community who have a large following and are trusted by their followers. By partnering with influencers, businesses can reach a larger audience and gain credibility within the community.

Businesses can also engage with Black Twitter by creating content that is relevant to the community. Content that celebrates Black culture, highlights social issues, and promotes diversity and inclusion will resonate with the community and increase engagement.

Finally, businesses can engage with Black Twitter by participating in conversations and listening to feedback. Black Twitter is a vocal community that is not afraid to call out brands that are perceived as insensitive or tone-deaf. By listening to feedback and responding to criticism, businesses can build trust and credibility within the community.


In conclusion, Black Americans use Twitter the most, and Black Twitter has become a cultural force that has influenced social media and popular culture. Black Twitter has created viral memes, started social movements, and shaped public opinion. Businesses that want to engage with Black Twitter must understand the community and its needs, partner with influencers, create relevant content, and listen to feedback. By engaging with Black Twitter, businesses can reach a larger audience and gain credibility within the community.