Grow your Instagram account with 2k+ real, organic IG followersGet started
By Published On: May 13, 2023

As an Instagram user, have you ever noticed that when you don’t post for a while, you start losing followers? It can be disheartening to see your follower count decrease, especially if you’re not sure why it’s happening. In this article, we’ll explore the reasons why you might be losing followers on Instagram when you’re not posting, and what you can do about it.

Reasons why you might lose followers when you’re not posting

1. Lack of engagement: Instagram’s algorithm favors content that receives high engagement. If you’re not posting, you’re not giving your followers anything to engage with. This means that your posts are less likely to appear on your followers’ feeds, which can lead to a decrease in engagement and ultimately, a decrease in followers.

2. Lack of relevance: Instagram’s algorithm also favors content that is relevant to the user. If you’re not posting content that is relevant to your followers, they may lose interest and unfollow you. For example, if you’re a fashion blogger but you haven’t posted anything fashion-related in a while, your followers who are interested in fashion may start to lose interest in your account.

3. Inactivity: Instagram users are notoriously fickle. If you’re not posting regularly, they may assume that you’re no longer active on the platform and unfollow you. This is especially true if they are following a lot of accounts and your content is not appearing in their feeds.

4. Content fatigue: If you’re posting the same type of content over and over again, your followers may start to get bored and unfollow you. This is especially true if you’re not posting anything new or interesting.

What you can do to prevent losing followers

1. Post consistently: To prevent losing followers, it’s important to post consistently. This doesn’t mean that you need to post every day, but you should aim to post at least a few times a week. This will keep your followers engaged and ensure that your content is appearing on their feeds.

2. Post relevant content: Make sure that the content you’re posting is relevant to your followers. This will keep them interested and engaged with your account. If you’re not sure what your followers are interested in, ask them! Use Instagram’s poll feature to ask your followers what type of content they would like to see from you.

3. Engage with your followers: Don’t just post and forget about it. Take the time to engage with your followers by responding to comments and direct messages. This will show your followers that you’re active and engaged on the platform.

4. Mix up your content: To prevent content fatigue, mix up the type of content you’re posting. Instead of posting the same type of content over and over again, try posting a mix of photos, videos, and stories. This will keep your followers interested and engaged with your account.

5. Use Instagram’s features: Instagram has a variety of features that you can use to keep your followers engaged. For example, you can use Instagram’s poll feature to ask your followers questions, or you can use Instagram’s story feature to give your followers a behind-the-scenes look at your life.


Losing followers on Instagram can be frustrating, but it’s not something to be too concerned about. It’s natural for people to unfollow accounts for a variety of reasons. However, by posting consistently, posting relevant content, engaging with your followers, mixing up your content, and using Instagram’s features, you can prevent losing followers and keep your account growing.